coding is a communal activity
coding is a communal activity
coding is a communal activity
My work in Developer Experience
​Over the past few years, I've become passionate about applying evidence-based science to help software teams learn, work, and thrive. In my roles as a Technical Upskilling Specialist in Pluralsight's Technology Center of Excellence and as a Principal Developer Experience Engineer with the Developer Success Lab, I've used my background in language learning, pedagogy, and classroom-based research to develop innovative workshops, interventions, and curricula that promote skill acquisition and effective behavior change on software teams.​
Following is a collection of my work in the domain of Developer Experience:
Podcast Interviews
The science of developer experience | Engineering Unblocked
Research Jam: Generating ideas about studying developers | Developer Success Lab​​
The Developer Science Review
The Developer Science Review is a collection of scholarly work curated by myself and the Developer Success Lab. Each research article is accompanied by an annotation contextualizing its inclusion in the issue. The mission of this project is to share relevant primary research with an audience of developers, to celebrate important findings from researchers in topics that benefit software teams, and to curate a semi-structured learning guide to the science of developer thriving.
My personal contributions include:​
"Microinclusions: a small way to increase sense of belonging and fit on tech teams" | Vol 1, Issue 1​
"Think big, then scrutinize: evaluating thought leadership with scientific methods" | Vol 1, Issue 2
​During my tenure as a Principal Developer Experience Engineer with the Developer Success Lab, I had the opportunity to collaborate with scientists Dr. Catherine Hicks and Dr. Carol Lee in conducting and reporting on empirical research.
Developer Thriving Interview Series
The Developer Thriving framework – built on robust empirical research in human wellbeing, learning, and achievement – explores the dynamics within software teams that foster growth, satisfaction, and productivity. In this interview series I launched while a member of the Developer Success Lab, I strove to amplify how developer thriving practically manifests in the lived experiences of software practitioners.
Dialogues in Developer Experience Interview Series
In this asynchronous interview series, I explore DevEx through the eyes of the people who live it every day. I speak with software professionals across roles and industries to uncover how they define DevEx, the challenges they’ve faced in creating good developer experiences for themselves and other developers, and the creative ways they’ve sought to improve the experience of developing software in today’s modern professional landscape.
Toolkits & Workbooks​
Science-Backed Ways to Advance Your Tech Career